In recent years, criminals have shifted their efforts into cyberspace — with the right tools and know-how, they can commit crimes in the comfort of their living rooms. Cybercriminals today use malware, phishing and spam to scam victims out of various amounts of money. Whether it is online banking systems, email accounts or even online store memberships, everything is up for grabs because criminals can make a profit on virtually anything.
While on other hand, Marketing is of growing importance to many non-profit organizations because of the need to generate funds in an increasingly competitive arena. Even organization that relies on government – sponsored grants need to show how their work is of benefit to society: they must meet the needs of their customers (i.e. Community, donors, government etc).

By knowing that, Moyo Media Co. Ltd decided to conduct such training (Cyber Security & Marketing training for non-profit organization) to Pemba Association for Civil Society Organization (PACSO) with the purpose of building the capacity for CSOs based in Pemba Island and increasing the awareness on Cyber Security and Marketing on other hand.
For profit oriented organizations success is measured ultimately on profitability. For non-profit organizations measuring success is not so easy. Many non-profit organizations are skilled at event marketing. Events are organized to raise the funds, including dinners, dances, coffee mornings, sponsored walks and others. Through this training, it will strengthening PACSO management and its member’s capacity on information sharing by using website and social Medias, networking, research and to protect their organization’s ICT infrastructures and other sensitive assets. As a results the participants will be able work effective and efficiently.