Saturday, March 15


TAARIFA KWA VYOMBO VYA HABARI                                                     14 JUNI,2023


CHAMA Cha Waandishi wa Habari Wanawake Tanzania, Zanzibar (TAMWA ZNZ) kinaungana na nchi nyingine barani Afrika kuadhimisha siku ya mtoto wa Afrika kwa kusisitiza ulinzi wa mtoto katika nyanja zote.

TAMWA- ZNZ inaadhimisha siku hii kwa kuangalia zaidi ulinzi wa mtoto dhidi ya vitendo vya udhalilishaji na ukatili wa kijinsia ambao amekuwa anafanyiwa mtoto na kuathiri ustawi wa maisha yake.

Katika kuangalia ulinzi wa mtoto, TAMWA ZNZ imeandaa kongamano litakalowashirikisha wadau mbalimbali wanaotetea haki za watoto ambapo ripoti maalumu ya kusisitiza ulinzi wa mtoto itawasilishwa na kujadiliwa kuangalia nini kifanyike katika kuhakikisha mtoto anakuwa salama.

Kongamano hilo litafanyika tarehe 15/06/2023 katika ukumbi wa Rahaleo Studio  kuanzia saa 2:30 asubuhi  ambapo litawashirikisha watoto wenyewe, asasi za kiraia, taasisi za kiserikali, wazazi, walimu na viongozi wa dini ambapo kaulimbiu ya TAMWA ZNZ katika maadhimisho hayo ni “Matumizi Sahihi ya Kidijitali kwa Ustawi Bora wa Mtoto.”

Pamoja na mambo mengine, wadau wa haki za watoto watajadili kwa kina masuala ya ulinzi wa mtoto kwa ujumla wake kwa kuangalia mbinu sahihi zitakazosaidia kukabiliana na vitendo vya udhalilishaji kwa watoto.

Katika hali zote hizo hawa ni watoto na wanahitaji kulindwa ili waweze kupita vizuri kwa mafanikio katika kipindi chote cha mpito hasa kwa vile nchi na dunia inazungumzia kutokumuacha nje mtu yeyote katika maendeleo.

Takwimu zilizotolewa mwezi Januari na ofisi ya mtakwimu Mkuu wa Serikali ya Mapinduzi Zanzibar zinaonesha kuwa jumla ya watoto 1, 173 waliathirika  na vitendo vya udhalilishaji na ukatili mwaka 2022 kati ya matukio 1,360 yaliyoripotiwa.

Hivyo  TAMWA Zanzibar inasisitiza kwa taasisi zinazosimamia haki za watoto na jamii kwa  kuangalia jinsi gani mtoto atalindwa dhidi ya vitendo vya udhalilishaji na ukatili wa kijinsia ambao huathiri mustakabali wa maisha yao kwa ujumla.

Aidha Sheria ya Mtoto No.6 ya 2011 imelenga kuimarisha ulinzi, matunzo na haki za watoto. Ni kinyume na sheria kufanya vitendo vya ukatili dhidi ya watoto na ndio maana  sheria hii ilitoa ulinzi wa mtoto katika nyanja zote kwa kuzingatia zaidi umri usiopungua chini ya miaka 18, kama inavyoeleza katika kifungu  namba 19 (1) (b) cha Sheria hiyo ambacho kinasema “kwa madhumuni ya Sheria hii, mtoto yuko katika mazingira magumu na anahitaji matunzo na ulinzi ikiwa mtoto huyo; anajihusisha na tabia ambayo inaweza kuwa na madhara kwake au kwa mtu mwingine yeyote.”

Siku ya mtoto wa Afrika huadhimishwa kila mwaka ifikapo tarehe 16 ya mwezi Juni inatokana na mauaji ya kinyama waliofanyiwa watoto waliokuwa wakiishi katika kitongoji cha SOWETO nchini Afrika ya kusini na serikali ya Makaburu ya nchi hiyo tarehe 16 Juni 1976, ambapo watoto hao waliandamana zaidi ya nusu maili wakidai haki ya kupewa Elimu bora na mazingira ya kufundishwa kwa lugha yao, ambapo kwa harakati hizo watoto zaidi ya 100 waliuawa na askari polisi wa utawala wa makaburu wa Afrika ya Kusini wakati huo.

Imetolewa na kitengo cha habari na mawasiliano,

TAMWA Zanzibar



PRESS RELEASE                                                                          14th JUNE, 2023


TANZANIA Media Women’s Association, Zanzibar (TAMWA ZNZ) joins the rest of the world to commemorate the International Day of the African Child with an emphasis on the protection of children in the digital age in all aspects of their life.

TAMWA- ZNZ commemorate this day carrying a thematic message – “The Rights of the Child in the Digital Environment” stressing the protection of the child against acts of humiliation and sexual violence that have been done to the child and affect the well-being of their life.

By emphasizing the protection of the child, TAMWA-ZNZ has organized a forum that will involve various stakeholders who advocate the rights of children where a special report – position paper will be presented and discussed by participants and come up with a way forward on what should be done to make sure that a child is protected and remains in safe hands.

The forum is expected to take place on 25th June 2023 at Rahaleo Studio Hall from 8.30 AM in the morning where it will involve the children themselves, civil organizations, government institutions, parents, teachers and religious leaders, with the TAMWA ZNZ theme “The Rights of the Child in the Digital Environment”

The stakeholders advocating children’s rights will discuss in detail the issues of child protection by contemplating what the right method will help to deal with acts of humiliation for children.

In a situation like this, children need to be protected therefore they can successfully pass through the entire transition period, especially since the country and the world are talking about not leaving anyone behind in development.

Statistics released in January this year by the Office of the Chief Government Statistician (OCGS) of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar show that a total of 1,173 children were affected by acts of humiliation and violence in 2022 out of 1,360 incidents reported.

Thus, TAMWA Zanzibar insists on the collaboration of the institutions that advocate the rights of children and society by looking at how children will be protected against acts of humiliation and sexual violence that affect the future of their life.

In addition, Child Act No. 6 of 2011 aims to strengthen the protection, care, and rights of children. It is against the law to commit acts of violence against children and that is why, this law provided for the protection of children in all aspects, taking into account the age of not less than 18 years, as stated under section  19(1) (b)  of the Child Act  “for the purposes of this Act a child is vulnerable and is in need of care and protection if that child: is engaged in behavior that is or is likely to be, harmful to him or any other person, the parent or guardian or the person in whose care the child is, unable or unwilling to control that behavior”.

The Day of the African Child is celebrated every year on the 16th of June. The June 16 annual event honors the memories of students who were massacred in Soweto, South Africa, in 1976 for protesting against education injustice and inequality in the apartheid regime. More than 100 children were killed by police officers of the colonial administration of South Africa at that time. It was designated as the Day of the African Child in 1991 by the African Union and every year events are organized to promote children’s rights.

Issued by the information and communication department

TAMWA Zanzibar