Saturday, March 15

TAMWA-Zanzibar yataka uwazi na mawasiliano yaendelee kwenye kesi za ukatili.


TAMWA-Zanzibar yataka uwazi na mawasiliano yaendelee kwenye kesi za ukatili.

CHAMA cha Waandishi wa Habari Wanawake Tanzania, Zanzibar (TAMWA ZNZ) kinaziomba taasisi zinazosimamia masuala ya sheria na upatikanaji wa haki likiwemo Jeshi la Polisi, Afisi ya Mkurugenzi wa Mashtaka na Mahakama kuendeleza uwazi na mawasiliano katika kushughulikia kesi za ukatili wa kijinsia ikiwemo mauaji.

Hivi karibuni Mahakama Kuu Zanzibar ilitoa taarifa kuwa imemuhukumu mshitakiwa Haji Jaha Issa (37) kunyongwa hadi kufa kwa kosa la kumuua kwa makusudi Hajra Abdallah Abdallah (21) ambapo alimchoma kisu kifuani, ubavuni na tumboni.

Taarifa hiyo ilitaja kuwa hukumu hiyo ilitolewa na Jaji Rabia Hussein Mohammed ambaye aliridhishwa na ushahidi uliotolewa katika mauaji hayo yaliyofanyika februari 26, 2020 huko Paje, Mkoa wa kusini Unguja.

TAMWA,ZNZ inaamini kwamba uwazi na utoaji taarifa kwa Mahakama ni msingi mzuri wa utawala bora na kwamba itaongeza imani kwa wananchi katika kutegemea hukumu za vyombo vya sheria na pia kupunguza kiwango cha uhalifu kwa vile kitawatisha wanaotaka kutenda makosa hayo.

Hivyo, TAMWA, ZNZ inategemea kuwa Mahakama pamoja na vyombo vingine vya sheria vitaweka wazi taarifa zake kuhusu mashitaka na hukumu ili kufikia matakwa hayo ya nchi na ya kidunia.

Ni aula pia kwa taasisi hizo kutoa taarifa za kila mwezi kuhusiana na mwenendo wa kesi na kueleza mafanikio na changamoto zake na kuweka mifumo ya kuripoti malalamiko.

Kwa mujibu wa rekodi ya TAMWA ZNZ, jumla ya wanawake 19 na watoto wanne (4) wameuawa katika maeneo mbalimbali ya Zanzibar tokea mwaka 2016 hadi Mei 2023, ambapo mwezi mei mwaka huu wasichana wawili Laura Msemwa (23) na Khairat Juma Bakari (28) waliuwawa kikatili huko Bububu Kijichi na Mbuzini Wilaya ya Maghari “A” Mkoa wa Mjini Magharibi Unguja.

Tunaomba pia Mahakama na taasisi nyengine husika kuendelea kutoa taarifa za kesi zilizosalia na hivyo kuongeza amani na ustawi kwa maisha ya wanawake na watoto ambao mara nyingi ndio wanaoathirika katika vitendo hivi vya ukatili wa kijinsia.

TAMWA ZNZ inatoa wito kwa jamii kuendelea kushirikiana na mihimili hii muhimu ili kuharakisha na kufanikisha uchunguzi wa makosa ya kihalifu na hatimae haki itendeke.

Dkt. Mzuri Issa,



26 November, 2023.


TAMWA Zanzibar calls for transparency and communication to continue in cases of violence.

TANZANIA Media Women’s Association Zanzibar (TAMWA ZNZ) urges law enforcement agencies including the Police Force, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, and the judiciary (Court) to continued transparency and communication in dealing with cases of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) including murder.

Recently, The High Court Zanzibar announced that it has sentenced, Haji Jaha Issa (37) to be hanged to death for intentionally killing Hajra Abdallah Abdallah (21) where he stabbed her to death in the chest, rib, and stomach.

The statement mentioned that the sentence was given by Judge Rabia Hussein Mohammed upon satisfied with the evidence given in the murder that took place on 26/02/2020 in Paje, Southern Region Unguja.

TAMWA-ZNZ believes that transparency and communication of the Court is a good basis for good governance and that it will increase the confidence of the people in relying on the judgments of the law enforcement agencies, and also reduce the level of crime as it will scare those who want to commit such crimes.

Therefore, TAMWA, ZNZ expects that the Court along with other legal based entities will strengthen its communication to the public about charges and judgments in order to meet the demands of the country and the world.

It is also a request for these institutions to provide monthly information related to the progress of the case to explain its successes and challenges and set mechanisms for reporting complaints.

According to TAMWA ZNZ record, a total of 19 women and four children have been killed in various parts of Zanzibar from 2016 until May 2023. In May this year, two girls, Laura Msemwa (23) and Khairat Juma Bakari (28) were brutally murdered in Bububu Kijichi and Mbuzini, respectively, in West District “A” Unguja, the Urban West Region.

We also request the Court and other relevant institutions to continue to provide information on the remaining cases and thereby increase peace and prosperity in the lives of women and children who are often affected by these acts of violence.

TAMWA-ZNZ calls on the community to continue collaborating with these important pillars to expedite and achieve criminal investigations and ultimately ensure justice is served.

Dr. Mzuri Issa,
